The Cinderella Bridal Show is hosted by Wally & Sharon from Princess and the Pea. Admission is free for everyone to attend. There are usually 4 to 6 Cinderella Bridal Show in a year, so if you miss one, you will have the opportunity to attend at another time. There are many door prizes to be won for both brides and attendees. It's a fun time to shop around, get wedding ideas and learn about different wedding vendors - you never know what you'll find!
This weekend we had the opportunity to be part of the Cinderella Bridal Show. We had a busy week leading up to the show. Our designer helped us create a beautiful logo board to display and postcards to give to attendees. We also had the opportunity to collaborate with Twigs Florist and Calhoun's Catering for the event.
Twigs Florist graciously provided us with the decor. Their beautiful floral arrangement brightened up our booth and we received many compliments about them. If you would like to see more of their work, you can visit them at Oakridge Centre.
Calhoun's Catering provided our booth with all the sweet treats. Everyone raved about the treats. Some brides even thought we were caterers. I was glad to inform them we were collaborating with Calhoun's Catering and that they had supplied us with the amazing treats that day. If you want to try their menu, you can find them in the heart of Kitsalano.
At the event, we got to meet lots of vendors. Here is a sneak peak of some of the vendors you'll find at the Cinderella Bridal Show.
We are really happy with our first wedding show experience. It was fun decorating our booth and collaborating with Twigs Florist and Calhoun's Catering. They truly made our booth stand out. It was also great meeting new vendors and upcoming brides. We look forward to attendng more bridal events.
All Photos By Vancity Weddings Directory